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[THX]∎ Descargar Scream For Me A Novel of the Night Hunter Cynthia Eden 9781477848463 Books

Scream For Me A Novel of the Night Hunter Cynthia Eden 9781477848463 Books

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Scream For Me A Novel of the Night Hunter Cynthia Eden 9781477848463 Books

Okay, I'll start off by saying this was a good story line with an interesting plot, and suspense that built as you went along. The killer was a surprise to me and his MO was different from the normal serial killer plots I've read. I was actually a little creeped out by him.


I give it only two stars because though she had a good plot and great suspense, she was completely inconsistent with the facts of the story. She couldn't keep track of the 13 supposed victims, and kept screwing up the numbers, counting one twice and then not counting them at all. She mixed up the names of the real killer with the red herring, which in turn threw off the whole story. She stated that a young girl had been kidnapped from the mall, and then two paragraphs later, still talking about the same girl said she was taken from a playground.

And then there was the confusion of the storyline that was never clarified, such as why two men used the same woman for their alibi, and how one of the FBI agents was shot, but only suffered from a concussion. And trust me, there was a lot more of these glaring mistakes going on in this book.

I'm not a nick picking person, but I do expect the facts of a story to add up and make sense. I shouldn't have to keep correcting the author's mistakes. After all, it's her story and I paid for her to tell it to me in clear, concise, and correct way!!! As I read this book I really believe it is a pieced together work. Much in the same way they make movies. They don't film a movie from start to finish, but do it randomly and out of order and then edit and piece it together. This book felt like that. As if Ms. Eden wrote some of one chapter, went on and wrote some of another, came back and finished the first and so on. Which is fine if that's the way she works. But please, check your facts, be consistent, and why not ... spend some of the money we readers are sending your way to hire an editor so we can enjoy a good, solid storyline. I gave it only two stars because it was pure frustration to read it.

Read Scream For Me A Novel of the Night Hunter Cynthia Eden 9781477848463 Books

Tags : Scream For Me: A Novel of the Night Hunter [Cynthia Eden] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>Nothing is deeper than the desire they can’t fight—or deadlier than the evil they can’t escape.</b></i> They were only supposed to have a professional relationship,Cynthia Eden,Scream For Me: A Novel of the Night Hunter,Montlake Romance,1477848460,American Light Romantic Fiction,American Mystery & Suspense Fiction,Audiobook; Audio; Book; CD; Romance; Love,Criminal profilers,Criminal profilers;Fiction.,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Mystery & Detective General,Fiction Romance Suspense,FictionMystery & Detective - General,Mystery & Detective - General,Romance,Romance - Suspense,Romantic suspense fiction,Romantic suspense fiction.,Serial murder investigation,Serial murder investigation;Fiction.,FICTION - Mystery & Detective - General,FICTION - Romance - Suspense

Scream For Me A Novel of the Night Hunter Cynthia Eden 9781477848463 Books Reviews

Kyle McKenzie and Cadence Hollow, MD are FBI profilers who specialize in serial killers. They have been partnered for over a year and were supporting characters in book two of the series, Fear for Me A Novel of the Bayou Butcher. Both have kept their past from each other, but Kyle's past comes racing into the present when he gets a call from the Paradox Tennessee sheriff that a woman has been taken. And taken in a manner that is eerily similar to one exactly fifteen years earlier when Kyle's eighteen year old sister was taken from that same stretch of road, never to be seen again. Cadence pursues the killers she profiles by studying the victims, while Kyle approaches his head on- focusing on the the killer. What they find in Paradox will test both their methods, however, as well as the unstoppable bond that has developed between them.
Originally reviewed for Tea and Book

Another great book from the amazing Cynthia Eden. She continues to astound me with her fast pace, seat of your pants suspense and rich sensual characters. Scream for Me is book Three in her For Me Series and once again I was enthralled. Another, "I can't put this book down" story.

This time Ms. Eden tells a tale of a romance that shouldn't be wrapped up in an murder mystery with ties to the past. Set once again in the south with hot steamy nights and a sensual pulse. Oh yeah this is another great story.

Cadance Hollow is the FBI's top profiler, she has dedicated her adult life to making sure she finds the killers. She gets them. Her job is her life but her relationship with her partner Kyle MacKenzie is her tenuous tie to what could be. Neither have crossed the line from partners to lovers but something is going to snap soon.

Kyle MacKenzie's much loved younger sister disappeared fifteen years ago and when he gets a call telling him that another woman has disappeared in the exact same way in the exact same town, he takes over the case. Knowing that thus one is personal. How can he ever manage to keep it all together when the only other woman he cares fir seems to be next on the killers list?

A Series of murders lasting fifteen years and crossing four states. Every time they get a lead the killer seems to be three steps ahead if them. It's a brilliant mystery that I loathed (and of course COULD. NOT. PUT. IT. DOWN.) Each time you have it all figured out Ms. Eden throws in another twist. In a wonderfully chilling manner we are offered insights into the killer's mind and thought process.

I don't know how she does it. Each book seems to be better than the last.. Five plus stars!

One word describes this book - Intense. The serial killer and what he does is intense. The relationship between FBI agents Kyle McKenzie and Cadence Hollow – intense.

Kyle has never gotten over his sisters disappearance 15 years ago. The guilt has left him dead inside along with a lot of rage. That rage has been driving him for years as a FBI agent to put away serial killers. But now it seems the one who took his sister is back hunting again in the same town his sister disappeared in. Cadence is his partner and also is obsession. He craves her but yet is afraid to show her the darkness that lies within him. Cadence knows what’s inside Kyle and doesn’t fear it.

There were so many intense scenes in this book. I am always amazed at how this author comes up with her killers and the things they do to their victims. Cadence was a very strong heroine with great instincts and the ability to always stay in control which is something that Kyle had a problem doing and it balanced them out as partners and lovers.
Okay, I'll start off by saying this was a good story line with an interesting plot, and suspense that built as you went along. The killer was a surprise to me and his MO was different from the normal serial killer plots I've read. I was actually a little creeped out by him.


I give it only two stars because though she had a good plot and great suspense, she was completely inconsistent with the facts of the story. She couldn't keep track of the 13 supposed victims, and kept screwing up the numbers, counting one twice and then not counting them at all. She mixed up the names of the real killer with the red herring, which in turn threw off the whole story. She stated that a young girl had been kidnapped from the mall, and then two paragraphs later, still talking about the same girl said she was taken from a playground.

And then there was the confusion of the storyline that was never clarified, such as why two men used the same woman for their alibi, and how one of the FBI agents was shot, but only suffered from a concussion. And trust me, there was a lot more of these glaring mistakes going on in this book.

I'm not a nick picking person, but I do expect the facts of a story to add up and make sense. I shouldn't have to keep correcting the author's mistakes. After all, it's her story and I paid for her to tell it to me in clear, concise, and correct way!!! As I read this book I really believe it is a pieced together work. Much in the same way they make movies. They don't film a movie from start to finish, but do it randomly and out of order and then edit and piece it together. This book felt like that. As if Ms. Eden wrote some of one chapter, went on and wrote some of another, came back and finished the first and so on. Which is fine if that's the way she works. But please, check your facts, be consistent, and why not ... spend some of the money we readers are sending your way to hire an editor so we can enjoy a good, solid storyline. I gave it only two stars because it was pure frustration to read it.
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